Yes. You must be a current member of CCA, throughout the tournament, in order to be eligible to fish the tournament.
It can take up to 6 weeks to receive your card due to the overwhelming response in a short time frame. If you register online, you can now print your membership card at home until your card comes in from the national office.
NOTE: You do not have to have your card to fish, weigh-in or win the tournament.
At all Weigh Stations or register online at CCASTAR.com.
All youth participants are eligible to win any division of STAR.
Yes, all entrants must be caught on conventional hook and tackle (no electric reels) by the angler entering the fish.
The intention of the division is to give anglers without access to any type of watercraft, the ability to win. Fish caught from a publicly accessible road, dock, pier or beach that was accessed by foot or automobile only are eligible. Private piers as well as areas only accessible to private landowners are ineligible. You cannot take any type of watercraft or plane to access fishing locations.
Fly division participants, mostly follow the guidelines set forth for fly fishing by IGFA. See tournament rules for description and link to IGFA rules.
The Red Snapper Division of the STAR tournament will remain open during the tournament as long as the federal for-hire season and the season set for private anglers by Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries is open. This season is subject to close before the end of the tournament. All fish entered in this division must be caught while abiding by the regulations set forth by the Gulf Council and the State of Louisiana where applicable and based on time and location of catch.
THE 2024 LOUISIANA RED SNAPPER SEASON: The 2024 private recreational Red Snapper season will begin on Monday, April 15, 2024, in both state and federal waters. The season will run seven days a week with a daily bag limit of four fish per person and a 16-inch total minimum length limit. The season will remain open until recreational landings approach or reach Louisiana’s annual private recreational allocation of 934,587 pounds. *Season dates and bag limits are subject to change during the year. For more information, click here.
Your fish cannot be frozen, spoiled, gutted, altered or mutilated.